Source code for pydy_viz.scene

import os
import json
import distutils
import distutils.dir_util
import webbrowser

from sympy.physics.mechanics import ReferenceFrame, Point

import pydy_viz
from .camera import PerspectiveCamera
from .server import Server
from .light import PointLight

__all__ = ['Scene']

    from IPython.lib import backgroundjobs as bg
except ImportError:
    IPython = None

[docs]class Scene(object): """ Scene class holds all the data required for the visualizations/ animation of a system. It has methods for inputting the numerical data from the numerical integrations of Equations of Motions and convert them to JSON values, which can be then parsed by Javascripts(webgls). A scene object takes a ReferenceFrame, and a Point as required arguments. The reference_frame and point act as the inertial frame and origin with respect to which all objects are oriented and rendered in the visualizations A scene needs to be supplied with visualization_frames, Cameras, and Light objects, as optional arguments. A scene can also be supplied with the height and width of the browser window where visualization would be displayed. Default is 800 * 800. """ def __init__(self, reference_frame, origin, *visualization_frames, **kwargs): """ Initializes a Scene instance. It requires a reference frame and a point to be initialized. Parameters ========== reference_frame : ReferenceFrame All the transformations would be carried out with respect to this reference frame. origin : Point All the transformations would be carried out with respect to this point. visualization_frames : VisualizationFrame a tuple of visualization frames which are to visualized in the scene. All the transformations would be carried out with respect to this reference frame. origin : Point All the transformations would be carried out with respect to this point. visualization_frames : VisualizationFrame A tuple of visualization frames which are to visualized in the scene. name : str, optional Name of Scene object. width : int or float, optional width of the canvas used for visualizations.Default is 800. height : int or float height of the canvas used for visualizations.Default is 800. camera : Camera, optional camera with which to display the object. Default is PerspectiveCamera, with reference_frame and origin same as defined for this scene. """ self._reference_frame = reference_frame self._origin = origin self.visualization_frames = list(visualization_frames) try: self._name = kwargs['name'] except KeyError: self._name = 'unnamed' try: self._width = kwargs['width'] except KeyError: self._width = 800 try: self._height = kwargs['height'] except KeyError: self._height = 800 try: self.cameras = kwargs['cameras'] except KeyError: self.cameras = [PerspectiveCamera('DefaultCamera', self._reference_frame, self._origin.locatenew( 'p_camera', 10*self._reference_frame.z))] try: self.lights = kwargs['lights'] except KeyError: self.lights = [PointLight('DefaultLight', self._reference_frame, self._origin.locatenew( 'p_light', 10*self._reference_frame.z))] @property def name(self): """ Returns Name of Scene. """ return self._name @name.setter
[docs] def name(self, new_name): """ sets name of scene. """ if not isinstance(new_name, str): raise TypeError('Name should be a valid str.') else: self._name = new_name
@property def origin(self): """ returns Origin of the Scene. """ return self._origin @origin.setter
[docs] def origin(self, new_origin): """ sets origin of the scene """ if not isinstance(new_origin, Point): raise TypeError('''origin should be a valid Point Object''') else: self._origin = new_origin
@property def reference_frame(self): """ returns reference_frame of the Scene. """ return self._reference_frame @reference_frame.setter
[docs] def reference_frame(self, new_reference_frame): """ Sets reference frame for the scene. """ if not isinstance(new_reference_frame, ReferenceFrame): raise TypeError('''reference_frame should be a valid ReferenceFrame object.''') else: self._reference_frame = new_reference_frame
[docs] def generate_visualization_dict(self, dynamic_variables, constant_variables, dynamic_values, constant_values): """ generate_visualization_dict() method generates a dictionary of visualization data Parameters ========== dynamic_variables : Sympifyable list or tuple This contains all the dynamic symbols or state variables which are required for solving the transformation matrices of all the frames of the scene. constant_variables : Sympifyable list or tuple This contains all the symbols for the parameters which are used for defining various objects in the system. dynamic_values : list or tuple initial states of the system. The list or tuple should be respective to the state_sym. constant_values : list or tuple values of the parameters. The list or tuple should be respective to the par_sym. Returns ======= The dictionary contains following keys: 1) Width of the scene. 2) Height of the scene. 3) name of the scene. 4) frames in the scene, which contains sub-dictionaries of all the visualization frames information. """ self._scene_data = {} self._scene_data['name'] = self._name self._scene_data['height'] = self._height self._scene_data['width'] = self._width self._scene_data['frames'] = [] self._scene_data['cameras'] = [] self._scene_data['lights'] = [] for frame in self.visualization_frames: frame.generate_transformation_matrix(self._reference_frame, self._origin) frame.generate_numeric_transform_function(dynamic_variables, constant_variables) frame.evaluate_transformation_matrix( dynamic_values, constant_values) self._scene_data['frames'].append( frame.generate_visualization_dict()) for camera in self.cameras: camera.generate_transformation_matrix(self._reference_frame, self._origin) camera.generate_numeric_transform_function(dynamic_variables, constant_variables) camera.evaluate_transformation_matrix(dynamic_values, constant_values) self._scene_data['cameras'].append( camera.generate_visualization_dict() ) for light in self.lights: light.generate_transformation_matrix(self._reference_frame, self._origin) light.generate_numeric_transform_function(dynamic_variables, constant_variables) light.evaluate_transformation_matrix(dynamic_values, constant_values) self._scene_data['lights'].append( light.generate_visualization_dict()) return self._scene_data
[docs] def generate_visualization_json(self, dynamic_variables, constant_variables, dynamic_values, constant_values, save_to='data.json'): """ generate_visualization_json() method generates a json str, which is saved to file. Parameters ========== dynamic_variables : Sympifyable list or tuple This contains all the dynamic symbols or state variables which are required for solving the transformation matrices of all the frames of the scene. constant_variables : Sympifyable list or tuple This contains all the symbols for the parameters which are used for defining various objects in the system. dynamic_values : list or tuple initial states of the system. The list or tuple should be respective to the state_sym. constant_values : list or tuple values of the parameters. The list or tuple should be respective to the par_sym. save_to : str path to the file where to write the generated data JSON. the path should be chosen such as to have the write permissions to the user. Returns ======= The dictionary contains following keys: 1) Width of the scene. 2) Height of the scene. 3) name of the scene. 4) frames in the scene, which contains sub-dictionaries of all the visualization frames information. """ self.saved_json_file = save_to self._data_dict = self.generate_visualization_dict(dynamic_variables, constant_variables, dynamic_values, constant_values) outfile = open(self.saved_json_file, 'w') outfile.write(json.dumps(self._data_dict, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))) outfile.close()
def _copy_static_dir(self): """ Copies all the static files required in the visualization to the current working directory The files and sub directories are stored within a hidden directory named .pydy_viz in the current working directory. Working directory can be cleaned by calling _cleanup() method, which deletes the .pydy_viz directory. """ dst = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.pydy_viz') os.mkdir(dst) src = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(pydy_viz.__file__), 'static') distutils.dir_util.copy_tree(src, dst) def _cleanup(self): distutils.dir_util.remove_tree(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.pydy_viz')) def _display_from_interpreter(self): server = Server(json=self.saved_json_file) print '''Your visualization is being rendered at http://localhost:%s/ Visit the url in your webgl compatible browser to see the animation in full glory''' % (server.port) def _display_from_ipython(self): # This is a hack using IPython BackgroundJobs # module. Once we have an IPython2.0 release # It can be modified to display visualizations # in IPython output cell itself. server = Server(json=self.saved_json_file) jobs = bg.BackgroundJobManager()'') print ''' Your visualization is being rendered at http://localhost:%s/ Opening the visualization in new tab...'''%(server.port)"http://localhost:%s/"%server.port)
[docs] def display(self): """ display method can be used in two ways. When called from IPython notebook, it shows the visualization in the form of output cell in the IPython notebook. If it is called from python interpreter or IPython interpreter(not notebook), It generates an html file, in the current directory, which can be opened in the webgl compliant browser for viewing the visualizations. The simulation data is used from this scene, hence all simulation data generation methods should be called before calling this method """ try: # If it detects any IPython frontend # (qtconsole, interpreter or notebook) config = get_ipython().config self._display_from_ipython() except: self._display_from_interpreter()